Thursday, November 1, 2007

Performance Art of the Corcoran Parking Lot

This project turned out to be very intersting, in both making my own steps for a performance piece, and seeing what others came up with for theirs'. Mine didn't act out as cleanly as I had hoped. I might have been able to make the directions a bit more clear and concise. But I do feel that if two participants had a good grasp of what the goals of the piece were it would come out very well. The idea was to lace up one of your shoes and you describe your weekend to your partner. Your partner then ties your laced shoe, repeating to you the events of your weekend, but in as few words as possible. The reasons for this were to display the somewhat selfish ways we listen to one another, awaiting our own turn to speak. The "lacer" describes his weekend fully in detail, as it takes time to lace a shoe, and because he is interested in sharing his experiences. The listener then completes the much shorter action of lacing the other's shoe, and curtly repeats the events, showing how much we really hear when someone else is speaking, usually a much more terse and less intricate version of the events, wrapping the story up in a neat little bow, along with the shoelaces.

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