Monday, April 14, 2008

Color Association

As a society, we associate certain colors with certain aspects of emotion, life and culture. I asked five of my friends to participate in an experiment in which I named a color and they were to respond with whatever words they associated with said color. The responses were as follows.-
RED- stop, danger, anger, fire, heat, energy, hyper, dance, rose, wine, blood, violence, riot.
ORANGE- hazard, construction, roadwork, warm, neon, highway, pumpkin, Halloween, fall, pizza, orange, burn.
YELLOW- sun, light, bright, slow, yield, lemon, sour, school, taxi, yawn, sleep, raincoat, summer.
GREEN- go, move, nature, tree, plant, leaf, grass, yard, environment, recycle, mint, vegetable.
BLUE- sky, sea, water, ocean, lake, pond, river, stream, fly, cool, splash, rain, flood, ship, fish, waves, surf, night, bed, cold, winter.
PINK- girl, feminine, flower, youth, dainty, baby, soft, dress, bright, birth, pregnancy, children.
BLACK- dark, night, coal, ink, full, flat, covered, blind, evil, death, funeral, tuxedo, suit.
WHITE- light, empty, clear, pure, open, endless, virgin, blank, wedding.

The results for the most part were answers I would expect to be common for the average person, red to illicit stop for example. There were some interesting responses one could attribute as random and based on the individual's subconscious, but they were in the minority. In this experiment, most participants gave the same or similar answers.

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